Mobile CMMS Maintenance App

Manage Maintenance On the Go, In the Field, and Offline

Our mobile app makes your life easy. Save time and unite your teams.

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eMaint CMMS gives you the power of a CMMS and EAM in the palm of your hand.

Manage work orders, view asset details, work offline, and much more.
Missing information and siloed teams lead to maintenance nightmares — and that’s where a mobile CMMS comes in.

  • Connects teams and breaks down barriers in industrial data — maximizing uptime and reliability

  • Simplifies working offline, in the field, or on the factory floor
  • Ultimate configurability: forms, fields, display, and beyond
eMaint CMMS mobile app

We want to hear from you: what’s your biggest challenge? Learn how eMaint CMMS can help.

Mobile Work Orders Make
Life Easy

Manage work orders and work requests. Explore, create, assign, and complete on the go, adding pictures and checking off inspection lists.

Track your work in a few taps, preventing your team from going dark in the field.


Simplify your work, save time, and connect your teams

Manage, edit, and assign work orders in the field. Build work orders from your desktop and send them out to your team on the factory floor. Receive push notifications for important updates.

Icon of a mobile phone with checklist on the screen

Snap a photo, add a checklist, and upload documents

Quickly and easily add photos and videos to your work orders. Design PM checklists and routine inspections, with personnel checking off tasks as they go. View and upload key documents.

cardboard box with wrench and gear coming out the top

Do it all, from work requests to booking spare parts

Scan asset QR codes to submit a work request to inspect failed equipment. Book spare parts for jobs, streamlined by eMaint’s ERP integration. Track work hours and require digital signatures for work order completion.

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“Your system is by far the best that I could find. I’m so pleased with how eMaint works, especially having access to the mobile app for smartphones and tablets. Offline work is another thing that pushed us your way. Other companies didn’t offer that, and we’re sometimes out in the middle of nowhere.”

Sandi Gogert, Fleet and Housing Administrator at Gee Whiz

eMaint X5 mobile view on cell phone

Asset & Part Details at Your Fingertips

Simplified asset and spare parts management. Browse your asset inventory, see maintenance history with barcode scanning, or submit work requests with QR codes.

Find a failed asset or a critical spare with a quick search.

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Take the helm of an asset command center

Explore your asset details and recent maintenance history. Attach assets to work orders. See other open work orders for nearby assets when you’re already in the field. Gather data in the field with select Fluke tools integration.

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Searchable, flexible spare parts inventory

Find the spare parts you need quickly. See recommended parts for specific assets and rely on the eMaint parts reorder list to optimize inventory levels. Take a look at what’s on hand, both in the storeroom and across your global organization, and request critical spares from throughout your work sites.


Found a failed motor? Scan QR codes for work requests, barcodes for asset details

Walking around the facility, eMaint users can scan barcodes to view asset or spare part details and history. And all personnel, regardless of whether they are an eMaint user, can scan a QR code on problematic assets to submit a work request.

Manage Work in the Field, Offline, and Across the Enterprise

Global businesses love eMaint. Work offline and your updates will sync once a connection is re-established. Manage international teams and tap into a global parts storeroom. Enterprises can enjoy the simplicity of single-sign on (SSO) and trust in strong security controls.

eMaint X5 mobile view on cell phone

Maximize efficiency in remote work sites and network-unfriendly areas

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Configurable, flexible, offline work orders

eMaint is built to support maintenance personnel who need to work offline, track their progress, and not worry about syncing results later. Complete work orders, edit asset information, and upload photos, with eMaint taking care of synchronization when a connection is re-established. Audit trail tracks actual time of actions, providing clear records and accountability.

Black clipboard with an "x" icon

Simplify compliance with permissions, e-signatures, and automatic audit trail

Manage permissions, control field-level security, and standardize compliant practices. Require password-protected e-signatures for key actions. Route work orders through levels of approval and across departments. eMaint’s audit trail captures user actions in a detailed, time-stamped lineage perfect for accountability and audit reporting.


Global maintenance standardization and enterprise asset & part management

Discover powerful insights with enterprise reporting and standardize a winning maintenance strategy across all your work sites. Work across languages, currencies, and time-zones. Manage your global mobile workforce with ease.

Available for Download on iOS & Google Play Store

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Mobile CMMS Maintenance App FAQ

A maintenance app is a type of software that handles the planning, analyzing, scanning, and logging of maintenance tasks. For growing businesses, it gives them useful insights into maintenance routes so they can set aside resources and capital for operations directly tethered to production.

In order to generate substantial productivity, an organization has to plan ahead of stages in the asset lifecycle where factory conditions are prone to change at a moment’s notice. Tangible assets in manufacturing include raw materials, assembly machines, repair tools, and transports.

A mobile CMMS is an excellent solution for establishing consistent protocols and tracking the progress of tasks. It helps the maintenance team respond faster to urgent work orders by having push notifications set up so that performance issues are addressed as they occur.

Using handheld devices, technicians can fulfill orders on spare inventories before they are needed for repairs or replacements.

A mobile CMMS is usually installed as an iOS or Android app to motivate maintenance staff toward proactive decision-making and accountability. From a phone or tablet, they’ll be able to communicate status changes on the field without returning to the office to get on a computer.

The app serves as a makeshift to-do list for them to schedule PM tasks on a calendar to sort by priority in the production process. It has the ability to gather information on an asset and uses that to diagnose the cause of a failure.

Another advantage of a CMMS app is providing standardized data across several locations by weighing groups of assets from the same configuration. This way, they can search for results of pending orders and adjust the mandatory forms to fit asset parameters.

Furthermore, it is capable of indicating equipment criticality through availability, quality, safety, and complexity factors, giving them the option to test PM methods on their factories that are reliability-focused and materially sustainable.

A mobile maintenance app has powerful integrations to help you manage documents and access libraries on the go. It holds onto every balance sheet so you know what fraction of the budget goes into labor, factory utilities, quality assurance, and other operations.

Through continuous tracking, the system displays which assets are facing downtime, reminding the workers on site of items due for service. This will lead to fewer interruptions from equipment breakdowns as maintenance activities are scheduled weeks in advance.

Another benefit is having control over what goes into storerooms and finding it easier to count warehouse inventories without relying on long checklists. This would lower the cost of supplying excess parts on oversight.

The KPI charts are ideal for making accurate, long-term predictions that shift away from a reactive mindset, which results in less repeated work to control wear and tear because you aren’t rushing to deal with emergencies as often.

A mobile CMMS enlists multiple software services to assess plant-wide operations ranging from meter readings to barcode scans. By and large, it offers a comprehensive overview of workflow arrangements that are accessible from the dashboard for a smooth navigation experience.

What’s better is having all the CMMS functions available offline, where technicians can create new work orders, revise existing documents, and have those sync back to the network from the app. The same applies to tracking and reporting tools when technicians need to look up asset histories.

It has robust features for data entry in case technicians want to upload photos of interacting mechanisms to conduct pass/fail tests. This extends to procedures as well, since records can be translated into different languages to meet international standards.

With eMaint, you no longer have to download any add-ons just to perform maintenance duties–all the essential tools are there to prolong uptime and reduce labor costs.

A CMMS is synonymous with a maintenance app in that it draws connections between the scheduling, tracking, and inspecting of equipment in action. Most facilities have been using them to decrease the cost of maintenance while speeding up communication among the responsible departments. These apps are full of automated tools to optimize the production flow by improving the outcomes of:

  • Equipment uptime
  • Employee engagement
  • Health and safety
  • Preventive planning
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Energy savings

A centralized dashboard merges IT systems and software integrations into key features for asset management which ensures the data collected is accurate and up-to-date. From there, users can open the portals to browse various metrics detected by IoT sensors and see what tasks were assigned to them.

A CMMS provides comprehensive visibility throughout multiple sites and overarching connectivity between departments participating in building upkeep. It must be built to scale in a dynamic environment and adaptable to any predictive or preventive situation.

Soon enough, it becomes easier to mitigate the risks of downtime and visualize the performance of a plant as a whole. The end goal should be to meet your market demands by hitting the target production rate within a reasonable budget.